Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A word most wives despise.... Homewrecker

Most of you think of a Homewrecker as someone who swoops in and steals your husband, right? Well I have a little bit of a different definition. Yes there are women who break up marriages just to see if they can these are most certainly homewreckers (that's the nice name), but I think some women get put into this category when they may not deserve it. Some women get caught up in an affair with a married man not knowing he is married, some feel sorry for the man because he has given her some sad story. These women are at fault to but to often they get all the blame. No I am not defending them they are in the wrong! It is never ok to sleep with or have an emotional affair with a man in a relationship especially a married man.
What I am saying though is why do they get all the blame? We can absolutely hate these women that we've never even met but still live with the man who is just as much or more to blame. 
In most cases these women did not force the man, she may have made herself available but he had the option to say no. She is being disrespectful to your marriage by tempting him and showing a lack of respect for herself but she is not the problem he is. 
Yes he is the one to blame.  He may not have to put forth much or any effort to get her but it is still his fault. He was the one who knew his responsibilities and knew what he had to lose and did it. He knew how to say no. 
So why do these women get all the blame? Yes they should have stayed away and respected the marriage but is it their responsability to guard your marriage? No it's your spouses, if your spouse strays it is no ones fault but theirs. 
I'm not saying you can't work through it but to work through it you have to know who is at fault. Sure your spouse may be glad to let you hate someone else for their mistake they may even tell you it's the woman's fault. They may even try to place the blame one you, because you did or didn't do something even though they should have came to you and tried to work it out.
To move past this both spouses have to realize who's to blame. You can not move past something until you admit it to yourself and as a spouse you can't truly forgive your husband if he can not admit he has screwed up. 

In all honesty we should feel sorry for the homewreckers. Think about how bad you would have to feel about yourself to lower your morals like that. Yes we want to hate them but if they are that low in their life don't bother they already hate themselves enough and if they don't now they will. They have to live with it the rest of their lives and will have to answer for it. They have to imagine their kids finding out later or even their parents.  Don't hate them, pray for them as hard as it is because they need it. I could not imagine being at such a low point in my life that I would settle for being they other woman so yes I feel sorry for these women.

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