Friday, August 14, 2015

Socially unsocial?

Have you ever sat down and thought about technology and what it's doing to our social lives? How many times have you passed up playing with your kids for Facebook,Pinterest or even the Xbox? I have been guilty of this more than I care to admit. How many Facebook friends do you have? 500? Now how many of those people are truly your friends? I mean the kind of friend who will drop everything to come help you when your car breaks down. How often do you actually put your technology away and enjoy life?
We are all guilty of these things at some point. My point of this post isn't to make you feel bad but to call attention to the fact that technology has taken over our lives. 
It has weakened the meaning of a friend. At one point a friend was someone you trusted and cared about and they felt the same about you. It was someone who wanted the best for you and would help you when needed and you would do the same for them.Now a friend is anyone you've added on Facebook, even if you've never sat face to face and talked to this person. Because of all the "social" media we have forgotten the true meaning of friendship and let's be honest we do not have as many quality friends because of it.
Our families suffer, how often have you sat down to eat dinner with your spouse and kids but you weren't really there because you were to distracted by a message or post? Now we think posting photos of our kids on Facebook shows our love for them, it doesn't. Our children don't care if we take a thousand photos and post them our children crave love, affection and attention. They want us to get down in the floor and play with them and just enjoy their company.
Now last but certainly not least, the spouse. How many times have you went to bed with your spouse and instead of talking and cuddling you were scrolling through Facebook? We ignore someone who loves us and cares about us to watch people post mainly unimportant things on the Internet. When did we become so unsocial that we would rather scroll through and see what people had for dinner than to actually talk to our loved ones? 
Everyone complains now about the state the worlds in and how kids are acting now but they don't put their phones down to correct it instead they post a status! Yes there are plenty of other things in our world that affect our families but it's time to admit technology is one of them. Technology has caused us to emotionally neglect our loved ones. It has also created a society that complains about everything in a status but is to lazy to get off their butts and do anything about it.
I challenge myself and you to get up put the phones and computers down and do something. Be productive, talk to your husband ,play with your kids, help someone, go sit down to lunch with a friend and talk. Anything don't sit back and watch life from a tiny screen you have a whole world to explore!

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