Sunday, August 2, 2015

Broken trust

How can you gain trust back in a relationship? 
First you have to be completely honest and come clean to everything, yes every thing. Give your spouse time to process everything.
Then if your spouse is still wanting to work through this with you, you are going to have to answer their questions even though some may be hard. Depending on your spouse they may want every detail of every lie or they may not. Just be ready to answer everything openly, honestly, and calmly. Some of your answers may hurt your spouse but answer honestly. Your spouse will also keep asking questions for a while, it may get aggravating but be patient.
Let your spouse know from this point forward you will be honest and open about everything. Set aside time to just sit and talk daily. Your going to have to show your spouse they can trust you, even little white lies will seem huge to them. Trust is one of the easiest things to lose and the hardest to gain. After you lie your partner will no longer believe your words only your actions so be sure to show your love and affection. 
Make an effort to include your spouse in your life 100%. Talk to them in detail about your day and how you feel the usual "good" or "ok" will make them wonder what your hiding even if your not hiding anything.
 In marriage you should be partners and have no secrets. Be an open book to each other and talk.

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