Sunday, August 2, 2015


What is cheating? Is it only sex? No, cheating can be emotional or physical. If you've planned out how you could cheat and who you would cheat with then you've already crossed a very dangerous line. When you plan how and who you've already cheated. I know that sounds extreme but when you think about it to that extent your heart has already cheated and you've already put a wedge between you and your partner. 
Sure looking at another woman/man and finding them attractive is normal, but once you cross the line into how you can do it and get away with it you need to talk to your partner and confess. Work through it together to find a solution. 
Your partner is going to want to know why? Be patient and talk calmly about it. Your partner is going to be hurt and need to ask questions and they will need an explanation. Yes it's hard! 
You may ask why confess? Why go through all the trouble if your partner will never know?
Well they will know I'm a marriage you can not keep secrets, they put a wedge between you and the one you love even if your loved one is in the dark. You know you did it and when your hiding something you can't give your all to someone. A marriage will only last so long with secrets.

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