Friday, August 7, 2015

Ever thought you were completely failing at this parent thing?

Yep at some point we all do something and think "I'm the worst parent ever" let's be honest we do it more than we care to admit. I know I do! 
Are you really a bad parent when you get frustrated because you have said the same thing 10 times and the kids (or as I like to call them minions) haven't listened? No your not. Being a parent is an amazing blessing and we all know this but we can't help it sometimes we think our head may just explode. Sometimes I'd like to throw myself in the floor and spin around on my head like the kids do and pitch an epic fit. It's like I'm battling with a mini me 24/7. They are so headstrong and stubborn and I don't want them to lose that, I just wish they wouldn't use it on me!
Tons of people will give you advice on how to handle this and how to raise your kids (most won't have children and have no idea of what it's really like) yes they are trying to help. It's also not completley unreasonable to want to roll your eyes at them or maybe cram a sock in their mouth, just don't actually do it. I'm not going to give you advice on how to raise your kids because every child and every parent is different. What I am going to do is tell you your not alone . 
 It's true as a mother I think I have completely failed atleast once a week maybe even once a day! I'm beginning to realize it's common for parents to do this.  Our society has put so many do's and don'ts on parenthood who knows which way is up? One day you hear if you formula feed your a bad mother, the next you hear that saying "no" is to harsh then, you hear if you breastfeed to long your a bad mother and you should be stricter on your kids.
When does it stop!? 
Honestly it probably won't, if you are doing your best and keeping your kids healthy, safe,clean and fed your doing great!  Yes we should always strive to be better and we do but we have to accept we are not perfect and never will be. Do your best and don't listen to what society thinks you should do, I mean look at the state it's in! 
Be the best mom or dad you can be and love your children with all your heart and you will do fine. It's ok to get stressed and need a break, if you need a break take it. 
Ps next time you think your a weird parent think of this. Angelina Jolie keeps all her kids used bandaids in a jar. 

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