Friday, August 7, 2015

Should a job come before your marriage?

Let's say you have a good job, it pays better than most, the hours aren't to bad but it's affecting your marriage. 
Ok first, ask your spouse why they are uncomfortable with your job. Can you change the reasons your spouse is feeling neglected or uncomfortable? Maybe talk more or work less hours. 
If the problem is bigger like an affair with a coworker or something similar and your spouse can not be comfortable with you working at your current job what do you do? If it's an affair or something similar and your spouse can not tolerate you working with them switch positions, work a different shift, if you can not do these maybe you should look into another job opportunity. Your spouse should always come before your job or money. Yes you worry about taking a pay cut maybe you have a family to feed. It is better to take a pay cut and keep your family together than to feed your kids with a child support check or alone. 
Money is a need yes but many of us put it before our spouses. Sure we all have things we want and want to save for but if you love someone you will never be able to replace them with shiney new toys or money. Money will mean nothing on your deathbed but having someone their to hold your hand will.

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